Our Purpose

Mission Statement: TxDLA is a nonprofit association formed to promote the development and application of all forms of digital learning and to implement effective distance learning strategies for Texans and other digital learning practitioners of the global community.



TxDLA will provide an open forum and adequate representation to all digital learning professionals and organizations.


TxDLA will provide the resources necessary to meet the needs of members at all stages of digital learning development, at any level of activity, and through a variety of methodologies.


TxDLA will identify targets of opportunity that can benefit members and establish effective means of communication that facilitate members' focus on areas of interest.


TxDLA will establish a collaborative atmosphere in which members can come together to help each other and ultimately improve the digital learning community.


TxDLA will serve both the membership and the digital learning community through a variety of programs.


TxDLA will provide leadership in the digital learning community that effectively communicates issues, concerns, and developments for the improvement of digital learning in Texas as well as the international arena.


TxDLA will provide recognition of outstanding achievements in statewide digital learning through an annual awards program.


TxDLA will provide a relaxed atmosphere in which all members can be comfortable and enjoy TxDLA activities.