Stay Informed Through Specialized Communities

Texas practitioners are invited to participate in the following TxDLA Communities of Practice (CoP). Participation includes a subscription to a Google Group email list and a monthly community conference call via Blackboard Collaborate.  See the page for each community for more information on how to subscribe and participate.

Digital Accessibility

The scope of Digital Accessibility Group is discussion of legal updates, practice skills and universal design for making digital content accessible.

TxOSAC (Texas Out-of-State Activities Compliance)

The scope of TxOSAC is out-of-state activities compliance for Texas educational institutions.

TxICE (Texas Institutional and Course Effectiveness)

The scope of TxICE is the quality and effectiveness of distance learning in Texas higher education institutions.

Connect with the Leaders of Digital Learning Programs

Want more information about out-of-state compliance, institutional and course effectiveness, and other issues in learning? Learn and share new ideas and techniques, best practices, and effective strategies and content with other industry leaders through conferences, courses and networking opportunities.